C30 Front Parking Assistance

C30 Front Parking Assistance

Front parking assistance is an excellent system that warns of obstructions when you have limited space in front of the car, e.g. with tight parking.

The system is activated when the speed is less than 15 km/h (10 mph). A signal indicates distance to objects in front of the car. When an object is indicated, the radio's/stereo's sound level is muted and a pulsating "buzzer tone" comes from the car's front speakers. The tone starts to sound when approx. 80 cm (30 in) remains to an obstacle and becomes a constant tone when the distance is approx. 30 cm (12 in) from the front bumper. To be able to differ between front and rear systems, different frequencies are used for the tone and the sound comes from different speakers, front or back.

Front parking assistance can only be used in combination with rear parking assistance.

Our Price includes fitting at one of our nine locations in the south east.